April 18, 2021

Jackie Robinson: The Chosen One

Jackie Robinson: The Chosen One

Jackie Robinson changed baseball and the world for the better when he broke the sport's long-standing color barrier in 1947. Learn about the 10 game-changing  'choices' made by Jackie and his most important allies.  

Enjoy listening to Jackie's athletic exploits at UCLA, the Kansas City Monarchs and the Montreal Royals before he arrives at Ebbets Field in Brooklyn. Learn why Dodger President Branch Rickey selected Robinson to lead the integration charge. And be inspired by Jackie's Dodger heroics, his post-retirement role as a civil rights leader and his relationship with Martin Luther King Jr. 

Jackie is host Mark Hochgesang's choice for most inspirational athlete in sports history because of his unrivaled combination of talent, grit and societal impact. Who's yours? 

Feel free to reach out to Mark with feedback, questions and requests at mphochgesang@gmail.com.